Category: Goharticles


TV and Practice

I was at a festival recently where we had a small Q&A with the students and participants on various topics on anything and everything related to life with the guitar. Naturally the topic of...


Favorite Apps for Practicing

Given the amount of time I spend with some sort of gadget in my hands, it is time sum up some of my favorite apps that I use for guitar or music purposes. Gone...


Guitarists and their Nails

As I write this, I’m on a plane back from the Hamilton International Guitar Festival in Ontario, Canada. As customary for a guitar festival, we spent an entire weekend playing, listening, teaching, eating and...


Choosing a Program

When we are still in school studying for a degree there are specific repertoire requirements that we need to fulfill in order to graduate. This repertoire can be assigned to us by our teachers...


Your Home on the Web

One of the most useful classes I took during my undergraduate degree was a course on web design. At the time I was looking for a way to take a liberal arts credit without...


Inflight Productivity

As I sit on a plane from Sarasota back to New York City, I realized what better time to write about airplane productivity than when I’m sitting on a plane being productive! Being a...


Getting Out of a Repertoire Rut

We have all found ourselves in a repertoire rut, when we keep practicing and playing the same pieces but don’t seem to make any progress. This happens with individual pieces, that seem to get...


Attire for the Female Guitarist

Initially I wasn’t going to write a separate post for girls attire on stage, but after the surprising feedback I got on Facebook for my Stage Etiquette post, I decided that I’m going to...